Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School

Year 3 - Christmas Unwrapped

Year 3 were so excited to take part in Christmas Unwrapped. We had such a great morning making a decoration and a card. We learned all about the Christmas story and had a lot of fun.
Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School Lethbridge Primary School

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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