Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School

'The Headteacher is strongly supported by a knowledgeable governing body.' Ofsted June 2013

As an Academy within the Blue Kite Academy Trust, we have a local governing body made up of staff members, parents and members of the local community who may not have other connections with the school.

The governors meet every term to discuss strategic developments for the school and to receive reports from the Headteacher, who is delegated the day to day running of the school site.

To contact the chair of the Local Governing Board please email Mr Philip Ashdown: pashdown@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org

Articles of Association
Funding Agreement Blue Kite Academy Trust
Governors' Report and Financial Statements for the period ended 31 August 2022
Governor Information and Pecuniary Interests
Governors' Scheme of Delegation
Attendance Record 2021-22
As part of the Blue Kite Academy trust we follow the Trust’s Governance model which is made up of Members, Trustees and Governors, as explained below.


The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint some of the trustees and the right to amend the trust’s articles of association.

Trustees are responsible for setting the direction, holding the CEO to account and ensuring financial probity. As charity trustees, they must also ensure compliance with charity law requirements. Academy trusts are charitable companies and trustees, who may also be referred to as directors, must comply with company law requirements. Trustees have overall responsibility and ultimate decision making authority for all the work of the Company, including the establishing and running of schools. This is largely exercised through strategic planning and the setting of policies. It is managed through business planning, monitoring of budgets, performance management, the setting of standards and the implementation of quality management processes. The Trustees have the power to direct change where required and have a duty to act in the fulfilment of the Company’s objects.

Individuals who sit on the Lethbridge Local Governing Body (LGBs) are referred to as ‘governors’. Trustees have complete discretion over what is delegated to each LGB. They may, for example, decide to delegate all governance functions to schools in the trust that are performing well and only a few to those schools that need greater support. Details of what has been delegated to the LGBs can be found in the document called The Scheme of Delegation.

If you would like to view a copy of any public documents, please email the Head of Governance at Richardsona@bluekitetrust.org.uk or Please click this link to view full details of the Blue Kite Academy trust Governance page Governance | Blue Kite Trust

Who we are
Lethbridge Primary School
Philip Ashdown (Chair)
Community Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Laura Crosby
Community Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Beth Farrell
Staff Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Irene Fernow
Parent Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Nataley Fryer
Community Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Ruby Kalra-Hampshire
Parent Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Angela Mackenzie-Wilson
Parent Governor
Mrs Mayes
Lisa Mayes
Lethbridge Primary School
Annette Shakespeare
Community Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Caron Short
Staff Governor
Lethbridge Primary School
Fiona Wall
Parent Governor

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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