Curriculum Overview for Lethbridge Primary School
Live, Learn, Achieve
Our curriculum is all the activities children take part in at Lethbridge Primary School, from our guided reading sessions to our after school cooking club, from our 'welly walks' to our nurture group provision and from our ballet lessons to our school values.
Our curriculum is based around all the skills, knowledge and qualities we want Lethbridge children to be successful in so they have the very best basis for their continued education and life beyond.
The National Curriculum requirements form the basis of the academic curriculum and these are taught through sequential, skills-based lessons with a range of opportunities for children to embed and enhance their learning. Our commitment to children developing the English, mathematics and science skills needed to be ready to begin their secondary education are evident in our excellent Key Stage 2 outcomes. To bring learning to life we use a topic-based approach that is planned so children can draw on their previous learning to make connections and accumulate knowledge to deepen their understanding of the content. Educational visits, visitors and special events are used to bring our curriculum to life and create lifelong memories.
Beyond this our curriculum is broadened and enriched by our commitment to cultural and sporting experiences, some planned for within the school day and some provided as part of an extended hours curriculum. These help children explore and develop their creative and sporting experiences. We strongly believe that all children deserve to experience the very best of those things that improve our knowledge and understanding of the world and how to navigate it therefore we offer experiences such as a lunchtime debating club, ballet lessons for all children in year 3 run by the Royal Ballet and a curriculum full of opportunities to explore a wide range of art and artists, music and musicians.
The final strand in our woven curriculum is that of personal development and personal and school-wide values. Our school values, personal, social, health and relationships curriculum and our additional provisions such as our nurture group and ELSA (Emotional, and Social Literacy Assistant) sessions combine to create a culture where children are able to grow into positive, responsible people who can work together with others. Children demonstrate this through their commitment to fundraising and community events and the leadership opportunities offered to them as members of our active school and eco councils and as play leaders, librarians, journalists for our school newspaper or sports or reading ambassadors.
Altogether our curriculum is planned and implemented to ensure Lethbridge children leave our school with a great deal of accumulated knowledge and skills and an interest in the community, wider world and their place within it as citizens able to reach their full potential.
Lisa Mayes
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