Curriculum Overview for Lethbridge Primary School
Live, Learn, Achieve
EYFS at Lethbridge Primary School
Intent, Implementation, Impact
Lethbridge Primary School EYFS Curriculum
EYFS Vocab: Continuous Provision
EYFS Vocab: Topic
At Lethbridge Primary School, our intention is to offer an Early Years that puts the child at the very centre. We provide a well-thought-out curriculum that is guided and supported by the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and Development Matters. Equal importance is placed on all areas of learning; this holistic approach enables us to support, develop and nurture children so they can develop those very important basic skills - the skills that make up the foundation for learning and life.
We implement our curriculum through our large Early Years unit and outside play - a rich and varied environment for the children to explore and grow as they progress through the reception year. The enhanced continuous provision within this environment reflects a topic focus, but also the children's own needs and interests. The children also have the opportunity to explore other areas of the school, which helps them to feel part of the Lethbridge family. They have access to whole school playgrounds, the school forest area and school hall. These are frequently used and loved by all.
The environment created enables children to engage in freely chosen play as well as playful activities guided by adults who understand when to sensitively intervene in children's play and when to step back.
Our early years staff have a secure and in depth professional knowledge of child development, practical experience and passion of working with early years children. Ways in which we help children to learn at Lethbridge:
- Encourage children to choose their own play facilitated by a rich and stimulating environment
- Encourage children to problem solve independently, setting new challenges in a sensitive way.
- Providing adult led and adult directed times, when new concepts can be introduced and how to do things are explained.
- Encourage children to work together as a team, observe and learn from each other.
- Encourage children to develop through their own play, intervening using questioning, commenting on children's play and challenging thinking in a playful yet purposeful way.
In Early Years, we also feel it is important to venture further afield to utilise the wider environment and community available to us, and we are very fortunate to be based in such an inspiring area of Swindon. From fossil hunts in the Old Town Gardens and walks to the Arts Centre Library, to local community officer visits and dentist talks, we are constantly looking for ways in which we can enhance our Early Years topics and curriculum. These provide real experiences and engage children using people and places in our local community.
Another important aspect of Early Years is parent partnership, something which is truly valued at Lethbridge. We begin to build this relationship as early as we can, even before the children start school. We do this through visits to pre-school, transition visits to school and phone calls home. We then continue to build on this throughout the year using parent meetings, parent evenings, stay & plays, WOW moments and day-to-day chats at the door. All staff value this input into children's learning and development. We therefore always endeavour to make time for parents and give as many opportunities as we can for parents to be involved in the children's first year at school.
Putting the child at the centre of our curriculum enables us to develop positive relationships with each and every child. In turn, it enables the children to develop resilience and independence especially when problem solving. We endeavour to enable each child to feel valued, safe, happy and secure at school and ready to live, learn and achieve at Lethbridge.
What is it like inside the school?
We are very fortunate at Lethbridge to have a large Early Years unit with lots of areas for the children to explore when they are in school. The interactive tour shows the inside of the cloakrooms, toilet areas, Squirrel & Hedgehog Rooms, The Den and our main break time playground. The pictures below the tour are of our lovely outside area which we use all year round.