Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Curriculum Overview for Lethbridge Primary School
Live, Learn, Achieve

Intro Art Computing
DT English EYFS French
Geography History Maths
RE Science Values

PSHE at Lethbridge Primary School
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Skills Overview
PSHE - Jigsaw Vocabulary Progression

At Lethbridge our intention is that all children develop relationships within school, home and the wider community that are safe, healthy, caring and respectful and enable them to interact positively with others, including on-line. We want the children to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be safe (including on-line) and healthy (physically and mentally) in order to make informed decisions, manage their lives and thrive in our constantly evolving world. We aim to establish a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment where children are happy and feel respected, listened to and valued. We want the children to know how and when to ask for help and where to go if they have concerns or need support. We hope to prepare the children for their future in the wider world by encouraging them to set aspirational goals. We encourage them to work hard to meet challenges, be willing to take measured risks, understand the value of perseverance and build up their resilience as they take increasing responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Lethbridge Primary SchoolLethbridge Primary School

At Lethbridge we implement the PSHE curriculum through a whole-school programme, Jigsaw, which has been designed to meet all the expectations of the DfE guidance. This scheme of work is based on a whole-school approach with 6 key underlying themes which run from Early Years through to Year 6. These themes are: 'Being Me in My World', 'Celebrating Differences', 'Dreams and Goals', 'Healthy Me' , 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me'. The lessons are delivered on a weekly basis by staff who are familiar to the children. Teaching is sensitive, age appropriate and developmentally appropriate and adapted, if needed, to meet the needs of the children. The children have the opportunity to explore the content of lessons through, discussion, drama, games, practical activities and written tasks. The lessons also include a time for quiet reflection. Whilst Sex Education in primary schools is not compulsory it is recommended. The Jigsaw programme covers this through some of the lessons taught during the final topic 'Change Me'. At Lethbridge we have tailored these lessons to the age and physical and emotional maturity of the children in partnership with parents and governors. Parents are legally able to withdraw children from Sex Education, although Science, Health and Relationship Education are all compulsory, and parents wishing to do so should contact the Head Teacher do discuss any anxieties they may have. At Lethbridge we also have a Values curriculum which promotes the sense of respect, friendship, tolerance, courage, responsibility and honesty. These values are embedded in the school ethos as well as being promoted through a whole school focus each term. We take part in activities such an Anti-Bullying Week, playtime Harmony Project, playtime buddies and charity fundraisers where we have the opportunity to put our ethos into practise.

At Lethbridge the impact of this curriculum will be children who are becoming independent, safe, healthy, resilient and confident individuals and who are developing positive and fulfilling relationships with others. The children will be able to reflect upon and express their own ideas and opinions and be open-minded and respectful as they consider the views and values of others. They will be able to identify how they can keep themselves healthy and safe, including online, recognise and understand a range of emotions and discuss their own well-being.

Lethbridge Primary School

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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