Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Curriculum Overview for Lethbridge Primary School
Live, Learn, Achieve

Intro Art Computing
DT English EYFS French
Geography History Maths
RE Science Values

History at Lethbridge Primary School
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Skills Overview
History Vocabulary Progression

At Lethbridge, we pride ourselves on delivering an exciting, engaging and rich cross-curricular History curriculum that captures the inquisitive interests of children within each year group through our carefully chosen termly topics. Topics such as 'Top Toys!' in Key Stage One enable children to make personal links as they learn to explore what toys were like during different decades, prior to comparing their own toys to those in the past, whereas other topics, such as the study of 'Victorians' in Key Stage Two allow children to make explicit links to our local area. In addition, all our history topics feature at least one of these key themes: homes, children or rule of law. These cultural anchors help us to ensure that key learning points are developed and knowledge is deepened as children progress through the school.

Lethbridge Primary SchoolLethbridge Primary School

At the heart of our teaching of History is our philosophy that children should be encouraged to ask questions about Britain's past and the wider world. They are given ownership of their learning through accessing a variety of sources to support them with finding answers to their questions. Teachers play a vital role in this process through their skills with 'scaffolding' the children's learning by facilitating opportunities for the children to construct informed perspectives and judgements in a safe and stimulating environment, whilst enabling them to make relevant comparisons.

Throughout the children's schooling at Lethbridge, we encourage them to develop an appreciation of how Britain has both influenced, and been influenced by, the wider world. By the end of every taught topic, our intention is for children to feel equipped with the knowledge to be able to confidently identify the name of a significant event, figure and an aspect of historical change. In order to achieve this, children are fully supported in learning about the roles of significant individuals who have helped shape our nation such as Tim Peake, Mary Seacole, Grace Darling, Boudicca and Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

Enriching our vocabulary is also central to history teaching and learning. We embrace new specialised words, ensuring progression in rich topic related language, as well as chronological language, throughout the year groups. We prioritise dedicating time to supporting the children with understanding where their new historical learning fits in chronologically with their existing knowledge to ensure that they can make sense of it in a meaningful context. To support us with achieving this aim, we value the use of classroom 'Timelines', which teachers refer to when introducing new learning. These include significant events that the children will have studied in previous year groups. This enables teachers to effectively build upon pupils' prior learning and to provide further teaching or clarification where needed.

Lethbridge Primary SchoolLethbridge Primary School

Lethbridge Primary School
Lethbridge Road
Telephone: 01793 535033
Email: admin@lethbridge.bluekitetrust.org
The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

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